Looftlighter Looft Lighter II Supercharged Charcoal Starter - lo2-us - BBQ Grill Shop
Looftlighter  Looft Lighter II Supercharged Charcoal Starter - lo2-us

Looftlighter Looft Lighter II Supercharged Charcoal Starter - lo2-us

Looftlighter Looft Lighter II Supercharged Charcoal Starter - lo2-us
Color: Black
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List Price: $129.99
Looftlighter Looft Lighter II Supercharged Charcoal Starter. lo2- us. Charcoal Starters and Grill Lighters. Start and stoke charcoal - easy, quick and safe with superheated air. No toxic and hazardous chemicals needed. Supercharged with 30 percent increased air flow. The Looft Lighter II offers the quickest, safest and cleanest way to light your grill or fireplace. It starts your fire with superheated air only - whether it be charcoal, briquettes or logs. NO gas, NO flame and NO need for lighter fluids.